Thursday, April 30, 2009

Test Post 2: 71/2 Habits

Hmmm, had to think about this one a while.
Habit 7 1/2: Play is the habit I find the easiest as a lifelong learner. Making mistakes and learning from experience is definitely the best way to learn.
Habit 4: Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner is the hardest habit for me especially where unfamiliar technology is involved. Something I'll have to work on, I suppose.

the blog lives!

have finally set up the blog. This process took so long mainly because I had to wait 30 hrs for a new password from Google. I set up a Google Account a couple of years ago to view a friend's overseas blog and naturally had completely lost the original password from my mind's memory banks. Obviously I can remember my next door neighbour's 12 yr old cat's Animal Welfare League id number but not a password, relevant to me, from a year or two ago.
First Test Blog completed.